3 min read

Ghost Mode is Done

Ghost Mode is Done

In my last letter I set out the restrictions of a mental toughness challenge I created called Ghost Mode. Yesterday I finished that challenge.

91 days, 13 habits and 1 ultimate goal - to be better.

As you might expect, it hasn’t been all sunshine and rainbows… Literally. It’s mid February, I wake up at 05:30, as my senses adjust to the present moment I hear nature in all of its fury, the rain hammering down onto the roof. I ask myself “Why am I doing this?” and then I pause, I reframe and recognise the opportunity for growth. I accept that this is going to suck and I sheepishly leave the house, entering into the pitch black and instantly soaking through. 10 minutes into my 5 mile run: “I am alive! I am here! I am!” A wave of euphoria comes over me and I feel at one with nature; grateful to have the opportunity to run in the rain while most people are tucked up in bed. This is what Ghost was all about.

Ghost goes deeper than the 13 habits that I committed to, I have used it as an opportunity to think more deeply about the direction of my life, setting up systems to facilitate change, and reflecting on my values and principles. Two principles that I have resonated deeply with over the course of Ghost are integrity and discipline, this is what they mean to me:

“Integrity is aligning my actions with my words, being a man of my word. It is being honest, authentic, reliable, trustworthy, responsible, accountable and consistent, even when it is uncomfortable or inconvenient. Integrity is fundamental to life because it underpins all behaviour and without it I lose trust in my own word, a mismatch between what I say and what I do hinders my growth.”
“Discipline is a decision I make to control my actions, ignore impulses, and act intentionally in alignment with my values. Discipline is the root of all good qualities, the driver of daily execution, and the core principle that overcomes laziness and lethargy, and excuses. Discipline is not about rigidity and restriction, it is about balance and moderation; discipline equals freedom.”

Now comes the real challenge… How do I integrate everything I have learned into my life? This is not my first rodeo, I have done many mental toughness challenges in the past but I have always struggled to make permanent change in my life. Before long I slide back into old negative habits and feel compelled to take on another challenge to try make a change. This time is different.

I created the idea of the seven core practices as part of Ghost. The seven core practices are the habits that are key to human flourishing and should be practiced every day. I will set out below how I intend to implement each of the practices into my life:

  • ☯️ Breathe - 10+ minutes of mindfulness/meditation.
  • 👣 Move - 1+ hour of exercise.
  • 🔥 Create - do one hour of deep work focussing on what I perceive to be the most important thing at that moment.
  • 💧 Hydrate - drink 3L of water.
  • 🥦 Nourish - eat mostly whole foods.
  • 🌑 Rest  - spend 8.5 hours in bed.
  • ♥️ Love - journal at least one sentence.

If I can do Ghost for 91 days then I can definitely do the practices above every day. However, I accept that I am not perfect and that sometimes life inevitably gets in the way. So, rather than committing to doing the practices every day no matter what, instead I will commit to try my best and be okay with imperfection. Even if I only stuck to those practices 80% of the time it would still have a huge positive impact on my life.

I am excited for what’s next in my life.

These last two letters have been focussed on Ghost Mode. Going forward I don’t know what these letters will look like - I know that I want to post weekly and I know that I want to share my ideas. Maybe nobody will read them, maybe they will, it doesn’t matter. Writing these letter is not a means to an end, the writing itself is the end. An opportunity for me to get the thoughts out my head and into the Universe, a gift from me to me.